
HND Strategic Leadership And Human Resource Practices Of An Organization Level 4 Regent College Higher Education


Strategic leadership is analysed as most important business principle that implies strategies adopted by managers in organisation to manage their employees and team members at workplace. Present report is based on analysis various HRM practice roles and function which are performed by 3M organisation for management of employees at workplace. Along with this, change management model are discussed in order to provide an understanding about ways through which IHG group will make improvement in their business operations.

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Task 2

1. Purpose and functions of HRM

Human Resource Management is based on effective utilization of employees and implementation of effective strategies that aids in achievement of objectives. Here 3M Company formerly known as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Organisation is an American international organisation. It has manpower of around 76000 employees.

The main purpose of HRM in any organisation is to achieve two main goals of organization. The first goal is to effectively utilization of key talents and abilities of employees in the organization in order to attain operational objectives, which are considered as the ultimate aim of the 3M. Along with this, HRM also aims to ensure that individual employee is satisfied with the working environment as well as compensation and benefits that they receive (Bolman, and Deal, 2017).

There two main functions of HRM in 3M are likely to be at odd with one another. In some certain instances, where there is no possibility to arrive at solutions which are linked with both the aims of organisation and desires of employees. In this situation, HRM performs the task of finding a resolution that protects the interests of organisation and at same time it also provides acceptable level of solution to employees. Further, HRM personnel in 3M performs the function of drafting of job descriptions for all levels of employment ,setting standards and procedures which are used for hiring new and qualified candidates and determination of benefits which are extended to the existing workforce.

2. Different approaches to recruitment and selection as well as employee engagement practices at 3M

For recruitment of qualified managers and staff, there is requirement of more efforts because there are requirements of understanding how the potential recruitment with help the organisation in achievement of business goals and means considering that recruit's tangible and intangible qualities. There are various approaches have been used organisation for recruitment and selection of candidates such as drafting job descriptions, setting standards and procedures for hiring qualified employees at workplace.

Systematic approach: This is the most important step used by management of 3M for hiring of employees at workplace (Bratton and Gold, 2017). Job description for each position was drafted by HRM personnel within the 3M that contains detailed information about the roles and responsibilities to be performed by candidates. Specification of skills and qualities required was also mentioned.

The main strength of this recruitment process involved clear description of information, effective framework that aids the managers in selection of qualified candidates from pool of applicants. Highly acceptable process of recruitment that is adopted by various organisations at international level. The only drawback identified is that it’s time- consuming process since it involves tasks that need to be performed by the managers.

Personalized approach: Earlier this approach of recruitment and selection was used by manager in 3M to choose employees (Cascio, 2018). Personal selection has been a long basis for choosing workers. In this, CEO of 3M had the authority to make final decision using the “school team captain approach”. This is considered a direct recruitment method and selection. Strength of personal selection is getting highly qualified candidates selected by top-level management and consumes less time. Nevertheless, it was not effective for 3M as it was sometimes based on biases.

Competitive approach: It is the internal method of recruitment where performance, potential and capabilities of existing employess in an organisation are measured. Performance An appraisal method is used to analyse their abilities to provide reward and recognition. Personal having performance and potential are recruited to high-level position. Further, this approach is highly acceptable and develops healthy competition in organisation amongst employees. Apart, it is less effective as it affects employee relations at workplace.

3. Importance of employee relations in 3M organisation and key elements of employment legislation.

Employee relations are termed as essential working relationship between employees and management of organisation that helps the organization. Human resource's manager in organization performs various functions like compensation management, employee, development of employee engagement policies and performance appraisal systems that needs to be handled by management of hiring employees at w4 change management models for your small business, 2017orkplace. Positive employee relations has enabled the organisation towards development of team work (Briscoe Tarique and Schuler, 2012). HRM often seeks to provide high quality benefits packages possible, given the present financial position of the company. Moreover, HRM of 3M is mainly focused on the personnel concerned with the human resources will seek the best within in the group health insurance, retirement programs, profits sharing and holiday and personal holidays. Moreover, staffing programs of Minnesota mining and manufacturing company (3M) have enabled the organisation to develop a loyal and productive workforce.

Employment legislations and other regulations such as the employment rights act, equal pay act, national minimum wage act, disability discrimination act and sex discrimination act etc. are complied by 3M at the time of decision making especially in relation to decisions of HRM as it will total change the every decision or plan which is set by HR department. There are various key elements to employment are considered in employment legislation that involves equal employment opportunity, affirmative actions, sexual harassment, working time regulation, compensation and benefits and working conditions (Buller and McEvoy, 2012). For example: As national minimum wage act, organisation needs to provide fair remuneration to their employees and non compliance of the laws will cause various restriction to business operations. The very first impact is on decision related to workforce designs and safety measurement of workers where HR personnels needs to comply with the minimum requirements other they will be legally penalized.

4. Specific example of HRM practices followed by 3M and rationale of their application.

Recruitment and selection are view as most common HRM practices used by 3M that has been reflected from the practical work related view point of 3M for the new vacant position of production manager.

The rational behind this practice of HRM is commonly hiring the best suited and exact skilled candidates or individuals for this post in accordance with an aim of this position, organisation policies and culture. Another important rationale is staffing of selected candidate on right position with sufficient authorities and responsibilities (Hoon Song and, 2012).

For hiring of production managers, HRM personnel use systematic approach of recruitment and selection. At initial stage, they description of position roles and responsibilities will drafted set standard and identified method to get application from qualified. Interviews and written test methods are also used by 3M for Hiring of potential.

Another HRM practice, is management of employees compensation is also performed by HRM personnel and resolution of issue of employee by changing policies of rewards and recognition.

Task 3

1. Introduction to the back ground of change

Change management is analysed as systematic approach that deals with the transition or the transformation of organisational goals, processes or technologies. Main objective or organization towards implementation of strategic changes in their function is to improve their business operations and achievement of strategic business objectives. Present report is also based upon analysis of changes incorporated by Intercontinental hotels group (IHG) in their process of hiring employees at workplace (Bryson, 2018). IHG is the second largest hospitality chain in the world having its own 5300 hotels in 100 countries across the world. Usually change involves three overlapping aspects such as processes, people and culture. Further, for hiring of qualified candidates at workplace, there some major changes have also been made in procedures of compensation and benefits. In this, Lewin's change management model is also discussed that involves three importance stage for change management.

2. Role of a leader in IHG through discussion of situational leadership functions.

Situational leadership is the important style that has been developed and employment by managers in organization for implementation and management of changes in three aspects such processes, people and leadership culture within enterprise. In present scenario, Leaders in IGH plays an important role in management of employee performance in critical situations by providing them motivation. According to situations leadership theory, most effective leaders are those which are capable enough to adopt their style to the situation and looks cues such as kind of task, nature of the group and other important factors which might contribute to get the job accomplished. In IHG, sometime employee have to face major challenge while performing the roles and responsibilities (Alfes and, 2013). Further, leaders tells employees about the responsibilities and ways through which they can perform those responsibilities. Selling is also an important in which leaders transfer their ideas and message to get its team members apply its process. In present context, managers in IHG plays perform the function employee performance management to analyse the requirement of training and development at workplace.

3. Two change management models and relevance of these models to IHG in current economy.

In accordance with IHG, there are two important change management models have been analysed which have their with the organization in present economy such ADKAR model and Lewin's change management model. Further ADKAR is identified as goal focused model which implies that everything that is performed by organisation during change management process is sequential and they need to achieve cumulative goals during the process to achieve their overall change goal. Successful change in organisation happens when the employee and business together perform task to implement changes (Benn, Edwards and Williams, 2014). There are four elements of this model such as Awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement. In IHG, HRM personnels also provide information to employees about the change they have made in processes of performance management, training and development as well as recruitment and selection to workforce. They also ensure that employees must have desire, knowledge and ability to adopt change. Managers also understanding about the ways through which they can effectively manage the change. Managers will also develop capabilities of their so that they will be able to implement change on daily basis (Cascio, 2018). Moreover, HRM personnels in IHG also apply effective strategies to sustain the change in processes over the longer time period.

Another important model is Kurt lewin change model which is based on three stage unfreeze, change and freeze (4 change management models for your small business, 2017). It also has its great relevance with IGH because it is applied by manager to implement change in their processes, employee and culture. At unfreezing stage, organisation show their employees that change are necessary (Buller and McEvoy, 2012). They will also challenge the culture, value and processes of organisation. Further, change is the stage where employees in IHG will accept and adopting the change and also flex their problem solving muscles in new ways. In order to ease this, process management will provide plenty of their support. At freezing stage, employees of IHG will be accumulated with the stage and accept the new ways of performing duties.

Systems leadership: It is also important leadership theories that enables leaders in IHG to create situations where the people at all levels will work productively to their potential. It has provided tools to leaders in IHG that helps them to predict the behaviour of employees towards change and enable them to develop strategies to motivate them towards adopting changes.

Situational leadership: It is a leaderships approach that which is implemented by managers in IHG at the time when they tend to face problems in managing the performance of employees (Bryson, 2018). Managers use this style of leadership in organization to motivate employees to adopt implementation by management in organisation.

Contingency theory: It is based on the assumption that management effectiveness is contingent or dependent upon the application of management behaviours and specific situations. In IHG, the ways of manager towards management of change in organisation are depended upon the circumstances or organisation environment.

Through appropriate performance measurement and analysis of results , managers will be able to monitor the changes and identify the progress.

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Present assignment reports provides a clear understanding management of change in organisation business functions and operations requires a lot of planning and efforts. It is analysed as systematic approach that deals with the transition or the transformation of organisational goals, processes or technologies. For recruitment of qualified managers and staff, there is requirement of more efforts because there are requirements of understanding how the potential recruitment with help the organisation in achievement of business goals and means considering that recruit's tangible and intangible qualities.

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  • Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model. The international journal of human resource management, 24(2), pp.330-351.
  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Benn, S., Edwards, M. and Williams, T., 2014. Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Routledge.
  • Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E., 2017. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.
  • Briscoe, D., Tarique, I. and Schuler, R., 2012. International human resource management: Policies and practices for multinational enterprises. Routledge.
  • Bryson, J.M., 2018. Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Buller, P.F. and McEvoy, G.M., 2012. Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight. Human resource management review, 22(1), pp.43-56.
  • Cascio, W., 2018. Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Hoon Song, J., Kolb, J.A., Hee Lee, U. and Kyoung Kim, H., 2012. Role of transformational leadership in effective organizational knowledge creation practices: Mediating effects of employees' work engagement. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 23(1), pp.65-101.
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